christmas almond candy

This is a recipe for easy Christmas candies with nuts and chocolate . We use vanilla sauce which uses to make sweet treats in Germany .You can make them in cupcake liners or in molds .I will give you the recipe for vanilla sauce in this recipe . It  makes the taste different .You can also use peanuts if you like

preparation time ; 20 minutes
serves ; 30

100 g Almond slices 
100 g      white or whole milk chocolate
½ tsp Cinnamon powder
1/2 tsp mixed spices , optional
50 ml    vanilla sauce
Cocoa powder
1 tbsp     neutral oil  or butter
50 ml of milk
1 tsp of corn starch
pinch of vanilla extract or powder
2 tsp of vanilla

Mix starch ,vanilla ,sugar and a little of milk in a cup .Heat remaining milk and when it is boiling ,add the starch and sugar mixture .Cook until become thick .Cool a little.

Roast the almonds briefly and let them cool ( Otherwise the chocolate will not stick). Chop the chocolate  and melt it in a water bath. When you add an tablespoon of oil, the chocolate becomes smoother and the chocolates shine in the end . Then stir in the cinnamon ,spices  when melting.
Mix the almonds with the vanilla sauce.

Put a dollop of chocolate in chocolate candy molds or small cupcake molds, then half a teaspoon of almonds and then pour chocolate over the whole thing. Sprinkle with cocoa powder at the end.
