New years lentil stew

 Lentils are a delicious and nutritious pulse that is often used in soups and stews. They are a good source of protein, fiber, and iron, and they are also low in fat and calories. Lentils are a versatile ingredient that can be cooked in a variety of ways, and they make a great addition to any meal.

 This New Year's lentil stew is a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for a cold winter night. The lentils are cooked in a rich  broth with cream and spices. The stew is also garnished with parsley, and served with a side of crusty bread.

Total time;40 minutes

Servings ;4


500 g  lentil 


3 bay leaf


5 tbsp flour

1 head onion

3 cloves garlic

1 pinch Red pepper

300 ml sour cream

1 tbsp sugar

1 tbsp vinegar or lemon juice


The lentils are  soaked the night before. The next day, pour off the water, then cook in plenty of clean water.

After 5 minutes from boiling, pour off the cooking juice and boil it with hot water, salt and bay leaf until soft in 15 minutes.

In the meantime, prepare the stir-fry . To do this, fry the flour in the oil, fry the finely chopped red onion and garlic, remove from the heat, sprinkle with red pepper, dissolve in 100 ml of cold water and the sour cream , then stir until there are no lumps, and mix in the finished lentil stew.

Boil for another 5 minutes while stirring. Season with sugar and vinegar
