New Year's fritters

This is a savoury version of Portuguese doughnuts called sohos .This can also be made  with leftover turkey and nice way to use holiday leftovers .

Cooking time ; 35 minutes 

Servings ;20


250 ml of water


75 g of butter 

1 lemon peel

175 g of flour

4 eggs

200 g cooked chicken (boiled or roasted)



50 g of red peppers

2 tablespoons chopped coriander



Bring a pan to the boil with the water, a pinch of salt, the butterand the lemon peel. When it boils and the fat is completely melted, turn off the heat and remove the lemon peel. Add the flour all at once and beat vigorously until you get a dough that comes away from the sides of the pan. Lay on the table and knead with closed fists until the dough cools down.

Place in a bowl and add the eggs, one by one, beating very well until they are completely absorbed by the dough. Add the chicken chopped in the mincer or in the robot, the red peppers cut into small pieces and the chopped coriander.

Season with pepper and nutmeg,add the salt if necessary and mix everything very well until you get a homogeneous mass.

Heat oil in a deep fryer and, when it is hot, pour 3 to 4 spoonfuls of dough into the oil. Let them fry until they are golden brown, and start pricking the donuts with a skewer or a knitting needle, so that they grow.

Drain the dough on absorbent paper and repeat the operations until the dough runs out.

Serve as a starter with a raw or cooked vegetable salad. 

If you accompany the donuts with rice with carrots and peas, or with tomato, you can serve them as a light meal. If you have leftover Christmas turkey, this is another suggestion to use them up.
