Christmas vegetable croquettes


Croquettes are a popular dish in many countries, and they come in various forms. However, Christmas vegetable croquettes are a unique take on this classic dish, specifically designed for the holiday season. These croquettes are made with a mixture of mashed potatoes, vegetables, and herbs, coated in breadcrumbs and fried until crispy on the outside and soft on the inside.

The combination of flavors and textures in these croquettes is what makes them stand out. The creamy mashed potatoes, mixed with the crunch of the vegetables and the crispy coating, create a mouth-watering experience that will leave your taste buds wanting more.Feel free to get a head start on your cooking by prepping these in advance; they freeze well and cook in a jiffy in the air fryer!

Preparation time;  about 1 hour 

 Serves ; 6 people


 1 medium-sized broccoli 

1 large carrot 

200 g of boiled lentils

 30 g of grated  cheese

 50 g of breadcrumbs approx. more 

 for the breading 

salt and pepper to taste

 1 tablespoon of dried thyme

 2 eggs 

2 tablespoons of milk 

plain  flour as needed  

vegetable oil for shallow  cooking,  



Wash all the vegetables, peel the carrots, remove the broccoli stem and divide all the florets. Put the vegetables cut into pieces in the glass of the food processor, add the lentils, the grated cheese, the thyme, a pinch of salt and pepper. Blend everything until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, the breadcrumbs must be added little by little, it serves as a consistency to the mixture without drying it too much. 

I put a weight in the dough but in reality you will have to adjust by eye, the dough is ready when it will keep its shape collected with your hands.

Choose some  Christmas molds,  you can also make simple balls. 

Since the dough is moist, you will need to scoop it up with a spoon and fill the cookie cutter with it and then slowly remove it.

Proceed like this until the whole dough  is finished; Gently detach your molds from the work surface with a spatula to dip them first in the flour, then in the eggs beaten with the milk and finally in the breadcrumbs. 

For a crunchier effect, coat everything in the egg and then again in the breadcrumbs.

At this point you can proceed in two ways, freeze your stars with trees and cook them only when you need them or go directly to the  fryer. 

Fry until well cooked .

Serve immediately by combining some sauce of your taste, leave me some sauce links that you can prepare:
