Christmas compote with vanilla ice cream

 Do not serve ice cream plainly during holidays .Try this instead .

Preparation time ; 50 min - 1 h


1 of apples ,sliced

1 of pears ,sliced 

50g of apricot kernels

50g of prunes

50g of pitted raisins

A cinnamon stick.

50g of sugar

200ml of red wine

250 ml of water

30ml of sweet wine

200ml of vanilla ice cream


Put all the dried fruits in a saucepan. We add the red wine, the glass of sweet wine, the half liter of cold water, the sugar and the cinnamon stick.

We cook for 30 minutes with a gentle but continuous boil.

After this time, we add the pear and the apple and let it cook on a low heat for another 20 minutes.

Once the whole thing is cooked, let it rest for a minimum of 2 hours in the fridge. We can accompany it with vanilla ice cream.
