Virgin Christmas punch

 Virgin christmas punch or orange christmas punch without alchhol is a easy , fruity and fragrant punch for christmas .The special ingredient is lychee .  If you cannot find it just skip it .

serves ; 8

preparation time ; 5 minutes


1 l Orange juice

0.5 l Lemonade

5 Clementines ,sliced 

3  Lime ,sliced 

2 Apples, sliced 

200 g Pineapple in syrup

100 g Lychee 

2 tbsp. Cinnamon


For a glass
Crush a few slices of lime in the bottom of a  glass.

Add 3 slices of clementine, 2 thin slices of apple, a few cubes of pineapple and 2 lychees.

Sprinkle with cinnamon, mix.

Add the orange juice, ice cubes and lemonade.

Serve  immediately .
