Christmas creme brulee

 Today in the spotlight a simple recipe with Christmas scents: a crème brûlée delicately scented with orange, vanilla  bean and cinnamon. I admit that even if the cold  weather is more fall than winter, this recipe fits well into the spirit of the end of the year holidays. 

serves ; 4-5 people


¼ orange zest

¼ of vanilla bean or  1 tsp vanilla extract 

4 cinnamon sticks

300 ml  of milk

5 egg yolks

70g of sugar

250g of whipping cream

Brown sugar to caramelize with a blow torch


In a saucepan, bring the milk to a boil with the orange zest, the vanilla  bean and the cinnamon sticks. Let the milk infuse until completely cooled.

Preheat the oven to 100 ° C.

In a bowl, combine the yolks and sugar. Add fresh cream. Strain the milk and incorporate it into the mixture. Pour the cream into ramekins and bake them for about 45 minutes (cooking also depends on the size of your ramekins).

The cream is cooked when it is slightly shaky and the top forms a dry crust.

Let your ramekins cool to room temperature. Once cold, sprinkle brown sugar evenly on the creams and burn them using a torch.

Reserve in the refrigerator.

If you don't have a torch, place your ramekins in your oven in grill mode for about ten minutes .
