Caramel christmas cocktail

 Unfortunately, I have more and more the feeling that winter rarely effect into our country . It always gets really cold, but you rarely see snow. And that makes it somehow unattractive.

But despite all this, I thought  and give  you  a recipe for Christmas cocktail, which logically is best served cold. You don't necessarily have to drink it  in cold weather  .But in the evening, at the table with friends, it  really looks good.

 serves ; 1


50 ml  vodka

20 ml caramel syrup

100 ml  apple juice

1 g gingerbread spice

splash of lemon juice

Ice cubes or crushed ice


Put ice cubes in a glass.

Put all other ingredients together in a cocktail shaker and shake well.

Pour the contents into the glass with ice cubes and serve.
