White christmas

 White christmas is a modern christmas treat that is made of shortening , puffed rice , fruits and milk powder .It is fun to make these treats .It is so sweet as white christmas , the son and movie .This treat will surprise your kids and they will love it very much .

Cooking time ;5 minutes

Total time ; 20 minutes

Servings ; 24


½ cup Rice crispies (puffed rice)

1 cup Milk powder

1 cup powdered sugar

1 cup Desiccated coconut or coconut flakes

1/3 cup red cherries, candied, chopped

1/3 cup  green cherries , candied, chopped

1/3 cup raisins

250 g shortening (vegetable fat)


Line the bottom and walls of a flat baking pan (28 x 18 cm) with aluminum foil. Mix the puffed rice, powdered milk, sugar, coconut flakes and fruits in a large mixing bowl. Form a hollow in the middle. Melt the fat over low heat, allow to cool slightly and then add to the dry ingredients. Mix with a wooden spoon until all ingredients are moistened. Pour into the prepared pan with a spoon and smooth out. Let it set in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Cut into small triangles or squares before serving.

 White Christmas can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 10 days
