Non alcoholic christmas punch

 This alcohol-free pineapple punch is a good option to add a festive touch to any family gathering at Christmas .Even childeren can drink thiese because that do not have any alchols .But it is very flavorful even we do not use alchol .I normally serve these and other punches in holidays with appetizers and sweets .

If you want a touch of alcohol, rum would be a good option . And if willing to use fresh pineapple , freeze pineapple at least 1 hour . You can serve with or without ice . 

Serves; 6

720 ml pineapple juice

420 ml ginger ale or lemon lime soda

300 gr of frozen pineapple

1 teaspoon cloves

Cinnamon stick

Fresh pineapple wedges

How to make 

Put the pineapple juice in a saucepan over medium heat along with the teaspoon of cloves and two cinnamon sticks for approximately 10 minutes.

Strain and pour into a glass jar and then store it covered in the refrigerator until it is cold.

At the time of serving this delicious Christmas punch, we will transfer it to a container and add the frozen pineapple previously cut into pieces and the ginger ale.

Serve in glasses  with or without ice and decorate with a cinnamon stick and a pineapple wedge stuck to the edge.
