German christmas chocolate cake

 German christmas cake is an easy chocolate cake for Holidays .The german chocolate cake is different from normal as we add wine to cake batter and use oil instead of butter .

The cake is sandwiched with cream pudding and decorate with it and chocolate stars. The cake is decorated in white colour for festive look .

Preparation time ; 1 1/2 hour

Baking time ; 45 -50 minutes


4 eggs

250 g of sugar

200 ml of oil

200 ml of mulled wine (or cherry juice)

300 g of flour

3 tbsp cocoa powder

1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

1/2 tsp gingerbread spice

1 pack of baking soda

100 g dark chocolate coating

1/2 tsp coconut fat

500 ml milk

3 tablespoons of sugar

1 pack of cream pudding powder

250 g room-warm butter

100 g powdered sugar

 Butter for the mold

 Star cookie cutter


Preheat the oven to 200 °. Grease the bottom of the tin with butter. For the batter, beat the eggs and 250 g sugar until thick and creamy. Add oil and wine while stirring. Mix the flour with the cocoa and cinnamon powder, gingerbread spice and baking powder and stir in. 

Place the batter in the pan and bake in the oven (bottom) for 45-50 minutes.

 Take out the cake and let it cool.

Melt the couverture with coconut fat over the hot water bath, then spread it about 3 mm thick on aluminum foil and let it harden.

Prepare a pudding from milk, remaining sugar and pudding powder and let it cool while stirring.

 Cut the cake twice horizontally. Beat butter with powdered sugar until creamy. Fold in the pudding by the spoon. Spread some cream on the bottom floor.

 Lay on the second floor, brush with cream and put on the top floor. Spread the rest of the cream on the cake.

 Put the stars out of the chocolate coating and place them on the cake. Keep the cake cool.
