Finish Christmas rice pudding



Finnish Rice Pudding Rice pudding (riisipuuro in Finnish) is a Christmas delicacy that all Finns love. It is almost always served on the last day of school before the Christmas holiday starts .The christmas dinner of finns end off with this creamy dessert .

Riisipuuro is a  delicious and creamy recipe very easy to make dessert .Also you can find the luckiest person of family by hiding a almond inside .

Cooking ; 40 minutes

Total time ; 55 minutes

Serves ;2


150 g of round  rice

150 ml of Water

450 ml of milk

10 g Butter



1 teaspoon of salt (optional)


In a saucepan pour the water and rice. Bring to a boil. Leave on the heat for about 3 minutes, uncovered. The water must be absorbed by the rice.

Off the heat, add the butter and milk. At the same time lower the heat to put it on low heat. Return the pan to the heat and stir with a wooden spoon.

Cook for 30 to 40 minutes over low heat. Warning: you have to stay vigilant and stir constantly to prevent it from sticking to the bottom of the pan! The rice should turn creamy. At the end of cooking, let the rice pudding stand for 5 minutes and add salt .

Serve in individual bowls and let each sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon to their liking .  Don't forget to hide an almond in one of the bowls to designate who will be lucky all year to come .
