christmas ratatouille

 Seven ingredients, seasonal vegetables and an express preparation .This dish looks like the ratatouille in the real ratatouile movie .It is one of the cult dishes in Pixar animated films. And she even gave her title to the feature film, released in 2007. What? Rémy's ratatouille, of course! On the occasion of its virtual Advent calendar , Disneyland Paris asked Jean Imbert to revisit this vegetable stew that Rémy, the little gourmet rat, makes to perfection. Result? A gourmet and winter reinterpretation that will be perfect to accompany a turkey or a capon during the holidays. Especially since this recipe requires only seven ingredients and can be concocted in no time at all .


Preparation time ; 30 minutes

Servings ; 6

2 yellow carrots

1 celery root

3 Jerusalem artichokes

1 white beet or potato

2 round turnips

1 pumpkin

1 sweet potato

Salt  and freshly ground pepper

Olive oil


Wash and peel all your vegetables. Cut the vegetables into large cubes with a knife. Fry the Jerusalem artichoke, celery, white beet, round turnip, yellow carrot and pumpkin separately in olive oil. Save the sweet potato for the final cut. Be careful: each vegetable has a different cooking

. You should have even cooking on all the vegetables and they should  have a little crunchy.

Cut your sweet potato as well as the celery in slices of 4/5 mm you can use a mandolin, then cookie cutter of 3cm.

Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil, then blanch your sweet potato and celery rings for 1 minute. Soak in ice water then pat them dry.

Finish your assembly by placing your cooked vegetables in a nice casserole dish then start the celery and sweet potato assembly. To do this, alternate the two vegetables by making them overlap slightly, fill your entire casserole dish and finish with a little extra virgin oil,  salt and freshly ground pepper.

Heat in the oven for 5 minutes at 180 ° C.
