Christmas onion chutney

 The holidays are time to add chutneys to your  menu and and give as gifts. To make starters , why not try an onion confit, perfect to accompany your canapes. The recipe is simple and you can even do a little more to put it in pretty jars and then offer it to your guests .

This is a four ingredient christmas chutneys and and can be serve with bread toasts and crackers.

(for a big jar of jam)


6 large onions

100g caster sugar

4 tbsp. balsamic vinegar

1  tablespoon olive oil

 Peel and chop your onions finely. 

Brown them in a saucepan with olive oil until they become transparent. 

Add sugar and vinegar then stir.

 Cook vigorously until the vinegar evaporates then cook over low heat for an hour,  closed.

 Then pour the confit into a jam jar and let it rest in the room temperature .
