christmas kale

 This ia a german style creamed kale they make for christmas . A nice side dish to serve with any main dish with few ingredients. You can also make it vegan by using vegan broth ,butter and cream.


cooking time ; 20 minutes 

total time ; 30 minutes 

serves                    ; 4


2 Heads of kale

240 ml chicken broth

2 tbsp butter

240 ml of cream

1 pinch of  sugar

Salt and pepper, freshly ground


Clean the kale, separate the leaves, cut out the ends of the stems, cut them off, rinse them cold and let them drain well. 

Place in a large pan and pour on the chicken stock, simmer on medium heat for about 10 minutes until the liquid has almost completely evaporated.

Add the butter while stirring and cook for another 2 minutes while stirring.

Pour in the cream, add the sugar, salt and pepper and let it boil for another 6 to 8 minutes, stirring occasionally, so that nothing gets on the bottom of the pan.
