Christmas florentines

 Florentines are a delicious mixture of toasted nuts and candied fruit that are coated with a sweet sticky mixture of honey and sugar and baked until golden brown . Today i am going to give you the recipe to make holiday florentines .

Today these delicious cookies are good  to serve with coffe, the Florentines. It is a nice , amazing and beautiful christmas treat .Treat yourself and your loved ones, it's taste is heavenly!

Preparation time ; 12 - 13 minutes

Serves ; 20

75g of sugar

25g of honey

80g of heavy cream

50g of dried figs  or raisins

25g of pine nuts or peanuts

50g of sliced ​​almonds

60g of dark chocolate


Preheat your oven to 150 ° C. Cut the figs into very small pieces and set aside.

In a saucepan, combine the sugar, honey and cream. Bring the mixture to  boil and cook for about 5 minutes so that the mixture reaches 118 ° C. Then add the almonds, pine nuts and figs off the heat, mix well.

Line your silicone muffin molds , with a nice spoonful of the dried fruit mixture. Depending on the desired thickness, put more or less mixture, but while cooking the mixture will spread out in the molds. 

Bake for 12-13 minutes. Take them out of the oven and let them cool for 5 minutes in the molds, then  place for 30 minutes on a baking sheet.

Melt the chocolate in a double boiler . Once well melted, cover the bottom of the florentines with chocolate and pass the tines of a fork to finish. Leave in the fridge for ten minutes then keep in a cake box, chocolate side up so that they do not stick together. 

