Christmas eve rissotto

 This risotto is traditionally made for lunch on Christmas Eve or December 31st in the Ferrara area of ​​the Italy. It is little different because we are making it by adding fish sauce while cooking .The  rice has special ,cheesey seafood flavor that is typical to italian christmas eve . It can be made with any fish though they traditonally use eel .

It is a main dish and can be accompanied by broth .

Serves ;4


300g short grain rice 

800 g of fish , use eel if possible

a rib of celery , chopped

a carrot , chopped

an onion ,chopped

1 tbsp of tomato concentrate

a spoon of grated cheese

a pinch of nutmeg

2 table spoons of olive oil


Put the fish in a saucepan with a few pieces of carrot, celery and onion and cover  with cold water.

As soon as the water has boiled, remove the fish and separate the flesh from the skin and bones.

Throw them back into the broth and boil for another 15 minutes, then filter.

Sweat the remaining chopped vegetables  expect onion with the olive oil, fish meat, season with salt and pepper.

Dilute the tomato paste in a ladle of water or broth, add to the sauce and cook for a few more minutes.

Toast the rice with the chopped shallot, deglaze with the hot broth and cook adding the fish sauce and the broth like a traditional risotto, taking care not to burn .

Remove from the heat and stir in a spoonful of Parmesan  and nutmeg.
