christmas beef kebabs

 Tis the season for festive feasts, and what could be more Christmassy than a sizzling platter of beef kebabs? These succulent skewers are marinated in a fragrant blend of herbs, spices, and red wine, then grilled to perfection. 

Our Christmas beef kebabs are the perfect appetizer or main course for your holiday gathering. The beef is tender and flavorful, and the marinade gives it a delicious festive twist. Serve the kebabs with your favorite sides, such as mashed potatoes, roasted vegetables, or a simple green salad.

preparation time ; 3 1/4 hours

cooking time ;10 minutes 

600 g beef

5 tablespoons of olive oil

1 tbsp sugar or honey 

4 cloves of garlic

1 tsp gingerbread spice (cinamon ,cloves ,cardamom and nutmeg )

1 tbsp  chilli or paprika 

2 pinches  of salt

3 tbsp butter


Cut the meat into 10 x 3 cm strips. Peel and press garlic.

Prepare a marinade from oil, garlic, gingerbread spice, salt, honey and chilli.

Put the meat in it for at least 3 hours and turn it over and over again.

Put the strips of meat on the kebabs in a wave-like manner. Fry on both sides in the butter in a pan
