Christmas lamb casserole

 Latin american style   lamb stew with festive ingredients for Christmas . Often called in spanish as cazuela,is a mixed stew with meat and vegetables.  Casserole is the translation of cazuela however it is make on stove. Serve with rice like south Americans.

Cooking time; 40 minutes 

Total time; 60 minutes 

1/4 lamb or about 1 kg lamb

200 g pineapple

10 onions

2 potatoes

1 red pepper

1 green pepper

1 leek

1 onion

4 cloves of garlic

1 chilli

1 glass of white wine or broth


extra virgin olive oil





saffron or turmeric 


Clean the lamb from fat and bone. Chop the meat and season with saltandpepper.

For the broth , put the bones of the lamb in a saucepan with boiling water, salt, a few strands of saffron, some coriander branches and some rosemary branches. Add the leek cut in two and the onion in quarters. Cover and cook for 10 minutes.

Brown the fat of the lamb in a pie pan. When it turns brown, pour in a splash of oil, whole garlic cloves, and chopped chilli. Stir-fry. Remove the fat and add the meat. Let it brown and take out. Add the whole onions , the green pepper and the chopped red pepper and season. Let them poach. Peel the potatoes , chop and add to the pan. Incorporate the meat , water with the  wine , let it evaporate and wet with the broth (without covering). Cover and cook the whole for 25 minutes.

Dice the pineapple and sauté it in a pan with a drizzle of oil. Sprinkle with chopped parsley and add to the stew. Serve and decorate with some parsley sprigs.
