Peruvian christmas hot chocolate

 Hot chocolate is a Christmas tradition throughout Peru. There are gatherings called “chocolatadas” where steaming bowls of this delicious drink are served along with slices of panettone (Peruvian-style panettone) and some other snacks. Fruit cake or other heavy desserts are not used, but small sandwiches and cookies are sometimes served.

Prep time:  15 mins

Cook time:  20 mins

Total time:  35 mins

Serves:  4



3 cups of water

4 cloves

2 cinnamon sticks

4 oz. cup chopped chocolate (or dark chocolate)

1 can of evaporated milk

Sugar to taste

2 teaspoons vanilla

½ teaspoon grated nutmeg

1 cup whipped cream or a few marshmallows (optional)


Bring the water to a boil with the cloves and cinnamon. Lower the heat and cook for 10 minutes. Discard the spices.

Add the chopped chocolate, stirring well until melted.

Add the evaporated milk, sugar to taste, vanilla, nutmeg.

Serve immediately with a rosette of whipped cream, if desired, or with some marshmallows and a dash of ground cinnamon or grated chocolate.

Note: if you want a thicker chocolate, add a teaspoon of cornstarch diluted in a tablespoon of water and stir well over low heat until you notice that it is slightly thick. If you want it lighter, add more milk or water.
