Mexican christmas eve punch

 The guest who cannot be absent in the  mexican Christmas and New Year's Eve celebration: Fruit punch.This is the traditional recipe and not the recipe that have gave you earlier


2 cups of sugar 

6 apples

2 slice of pineapple

6 oranges

1 cinnamon sticks

4 liters of water

100 grams of raisins

50 grams of prune or dates

100 grams of Jamaica or hibiscus flower 

10 pieces of tamarind

1 clove

10 guavas

1/2 kilo of tejocotes or crab apples 

1 kilo of sugar cane

Steps to follow

In a pot, place the water and cinnamon, while you chop the fruits, leave the water over medium low heat.

Wash the dry fruits and reserve. In the case of the tejocotes, if you want them without skin, soak them in hot water for 5 minutes. To prevent the fruits from oxidizing, you can leave them soaking in cold water.

Cut the fruits into medium pieces, peel the tamarinds and in the case of the cane remove the peel and cut it into medium sticks.

When the water comes to a boil, add the cane and the tejocotes. 15 minutes later add the apples and guavas. Add the juice of the oranges.

Minutes later add the remaining ingredients. Keep the pot over medium heat and allow the water to consume a little, without the guava and apples falling apart. If necessary add the sugar.
