Cheesey christmas chicken

 What a nice dish made of chicken glazed with cheese and saffron sauce . Saffron or turmeric adds a special twist and colour to your dish .With flavors that belong to Christmas in a simple and good way. Serve with rice and vegetable salad.

Preparation time ; 35 minutes

Serves ; 4 -8 


4 chicken breast fillets

Salt and pepper

200 ml heavy cream

2 tbsp. Milk

1/2 tsp saffron or turmeric

1 tsp tarragon

100 g  grated Cheese


Place the chicken fillets in an ovenproof dish. Salt and pepper.

Stir together the cream, saffron (or turmeric), tarragon and grated cheese in a bowl

. 3. Spread the mixture over the meat and bake in the oven, 175 ° C for 25 minutes.
