Alascan Christmas cookies


Bredele de  Noel  or Winachtsbredele are biscuits or small cakes traditionally baked in Alsace and Moselle, France, especially during the Christmas period.Many varieties can be found, including new ones, so that assortments can be created.

This is a different cookie recipe, decorated with hazelnuts or candied fruit, jam that allows you to wait before Christmas. Children and adults love it!

You can make different types of cookies   using this basic dough.

preparation time  ; 30 minutes .

Wheat flour 250 g
Soft butter 125 g
Sugar 125 g
eggs  3
Milk 50 ml 
Salt 1 pinch
Icing sugar 200 g
zest of 1 orange
 1 handful of Almonds

Cherry jam
candied fruits or chocolate chips

Preheat the oven to 200 ° C.

Beat eggs with the sugar, add the flour then the softened butter , cinnamon, orange zest . Roll out the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper, to a thickness of 5 mm. Reserve in the fridge for 15 min.

Beat 1 egg with the milk and a pinch of salt in a another dough .

Cut the dough roll using different shaped cookie cutters. Brush in egg glaze with a brush. Decorate some cookies with hazelnuts or almonds. Cook for  10 min.

Dissolve the icing sugar with the lemon juice and the coloring .Glaze cookies with this 
And decorate with candied fruit or chocolate chips, or assemble  with 2 tsp of with jam
