christmas nilgang

Nilgang is the Pinoy version of Spanish stew   "Cozido ''. It is more asian than European as nligang have many east asian as well as iberian  ingredients .In tagalaog Nilgang Pakso means Christmas stew .It is common that many Spanish influenced countries have their own christmas stews .You can find many of them in this blog .This is the pinoy version of Christmas stew .

Like other pinoy dishes this recipe uses asian  vegetables ,pork and ham . You want plaintains and sweet potatoes in this recipe .Use normal sausage instead of chorizo and one meat instead of  3 meats .This is a good idea if you like to change christmas menu .

Actually this is a complete  meal .But if you think it is not serve with toasted bread .

½ kilo chicken

½ kilo pork  belly

½ kilo beef brisket

100 g of sliced chorizo sausages

1 slice ham bone

1 stalk   leeks

½  cup of boiled chickpeas ( garbanzo beans )

1 small cabbage , boiled

1 bok choy or brocolli , boiled

4   plaintains, boiled

2     sweet potatoes , halved

2     potatoes , halved


Boil chicken, beef brisket and pork liempo together with chorizo , ham bone and leeks. In  another pot cook the sweet potatoes, potatoes, plaintains; boil until done and set aside. Cook meat until tender. Before serving, add chickpeas, cabbage and broccoli ,  sweet potatoes , plaintain and potatoes.

