Christmas jam cookies

The popular German Christmas Cookies “Spitzbuben” are a melt in your mouth butter cookie with a tart jam in the middle.  We add  ground nut to the cookie dough for a rich taste . You can use apple , grape or currant jam to fill cookies .  Do not forget   to sprinkle  cookies with  powdered sugar   as it is a important part of cookies .
preparation time ; 30 minutes

300 g wheat flour
160 g sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
1    pinch of salt
200 g soft butter or margarine
100 g  ground almonds
2 tbsp milk
about 25 g powdered sugar
about 150 g currant / apple or grape jam .

Heat oven to 180 C or 160 C ( hot air ) . Line a baking sheet with parchment .

Put the flour with the remaining ingredients in a mixing bowl. Knead everything with a mixer (dough hook) first at the lowest, then at the highest level to a smooth dough   or knead with hands.

Roll out the dough thinly on a lightly floured work surface. Cut  round shapes from the dough using a  round cookie cutter .If you like cut shapes in the middle of the cookie like in the photo .But you should do it only for only half of cookies .

Bake for about 10 minutes in the oven .

Place the cookies with the baking paper on a wire rack and let them cool.

Sprinkle the cookies cut with the  holes with icing sugar.

Mix the jam well, possibly pass through a sieve and brush the cookies with no shapes holes . Place  cookies  with shaped holes and press on.
