christmas cabbage


The cabbage is a compendium of culinary and nutritional virtues, despite its humble roots. Available today almost all year round, it was formerly on the markets in late autumn, just in time for the Christmas Eve or Christmas menu in many homes   .

Today it is still a very traditional and essential dish at many Christmas table , In each house the recipe has its own particular touch, although apple, raisins and pine nuts are not lacking, an exceptional ingredient in other times due to its high price, and which, if you could afford it, dressed the red cabbage with a touch of luxury .

Christmas red cabbage will be to the taste of every consumer, but in general there is consensus that cabbage should remain slightly crisp . We will therefore avoid boiling it previously so as not to soften it too much, skipping it directly in the pan.

It is usually seasoned with vinegar, which counteracts the sweetness and prevents the beautiful cabbage from losing its striking color, also with red wine. The aromas of spices can be more or less pronounced, although since we are at parties it does not hurt to add cinnamon, star anise or cloves . As for the apple, it can be sautéed or caramelized separately, or, as in this case, added directly to the pan so that it retains part of its crisp freshness.

Serves ; 6
preparation time ;  1 hour

Red cabbage (approximately)  800 g
1 julliened or chopped  onion
 50 g of raisins
1  Cinnamon stick
1 Star anise (optional)
 5g  Cumin  ( optional )
3   Clove (optional)
30 ml   Apple vinager
2 cooking apples , peeled then grated or cubed
Extra virgin olive oil
Pine nuts to serve (optional)
Red wine  (optional)

Prepare the red cabbage by removing the outer leaves, especially if they are damaged, and cutting it into quarters. Remove the thickest and hardest part of the stem and proceed to cut it into julienne strips before washing. Or take out the leaves, wash them, dry them and cut them later.

Heat a bottom of olive oil in a frying pan or saucepan and fry the onion with a pinch of salt, until it is transparent. Add the raisins and cinnamon, and sauté for a couple of minutes . Add the red cabbage, season lightly and stir so that it begins to brown and loss a little volume.

Add the vinegar and the rest of the spices, stirring well. Cover and cook over low heat for about 30 minutes, mixing occasionally as the cabbage  cooked . Pour a splash of red wine halfway through cooking if desired.

 When the cabbage takes half an hour to cook, add the apple and stir well.

Cover again and continue cooking until the whole cabbage is at the desired point. If you like remove spices from the cabbage .Brown some pine nuts in a frying pan without oil -or fry them  with butter- and add to the red cabbage.
