christmas apple strudel

This is a Christmas pastry from Austria . A apple strudel is a pastry roll with apple filling  and cookie crumbs . This is a festive  recipe for apple strudel .You can serve it with ice creams or with custard sauce .

preparation time ; 1 hour and 30 minutes
serves                 ;  4

200 g Flour 
2 tbsp Oil + oil for brushing 
1  Egg yolk 
1 pinch salt 
230 g butter 
200 g Gingerbread 
2 tbsp sugar 
2 pinches  ground cinnamon 
100 g breadcrumbs 
1  untreated lemon 
1  Vanilla bean or 1 tsp vanilla extract 
100 g dried  fruits
50 g Walnut kernels 
50 g chopped hazelnut kernels 
1 kg cooking  apples 
70 g Rum  soaked raisins 
1  pinch ground cloves 
1 pinch  ground allspice 
1 pinch  ground mace or nutmeg 
50 g Orange peel
   Cling film 
   Baking paper 

Mix flour, oil, 100–120 ml water, egg yolk and salt first with the kneading hook of the hand mixer or with your hands , then with your hands to a soft, elastic, smooth dough. Approx. knead well for 10 minutes. Brush thinly with oil and wrap in foil. Approx. let rest in a warm place for 30 minutes.

Heat 80 g butter in a saucepan. Crumble the gingerbread. Add the gingerbread crumbs, sugar, 1 pinch of cinnamon and breadcrumbs to the butter and lightly toast. Put aside. Wash the lemon hot, grate dry and rub the peel thinly. Halve lemon, squeeze juice. Halve the vanilla pod length ways and scrape out the pulp with the back of the knife. Chop the fruit and walnuts. Roast hazelnuts and walnuts in a pan without fat. Peel the apples, cut into eighths and remove the core. Cut eighths into thin slices. Walnuts, hazelnuts, Add the fruit, raisins, other spices, orange peel, vanilla pulp or extract and lemon zest and juice and mix well.

Melt 150 g butter. Roll out the strudel dough very thinly on a work surface dusted with flour, then place on a tea towel dusted with flour. Pull the dough over the back of your hand from the inside out until you can clearly see the tea towel through the dough.
Dough should be about 70 x 70 cm. Brush the dough surface with butter. Spread the crumbs evenly over the dough. Spread apple mass on the lower third, leaving 5–6 cm of margin on each side. Fold the edge over the apple mass and roll the strudel carefully using the tea towel.
Place the strudel in a sheet on a baking sheet lined with baking paper (you can also make 2 small strudel). Strudel in the preheated oven (electric stove: 200 ° C / circulating air: 175 ° C / gas: setting 3) Bake for 50–60 minutes, brushing several times with the remaining butter. If the surface becomes too dark, cover it with aluminum foil. Take the strudel out of the oven, let cool and serve warm. It also tastes of vanilla sauce .
