Mini christmas maple sandwiches

Maple is a christmas flavour .Maple butter is made from mixing butter and maple syrup.We apply bread slices with it and mayo,celery , ham and ginger.

If you have a cookie cutter you can cut bread into shapes . 

1 lb ham, chopped,i use cooked  sausages instead
1 celery stalk, diced small
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1  soup tablespoons Dijon mustard paste 
1/4 cup maple butter,homemade recipe below
1 tbsp  fresh ginger, grated
Salt and freshly ground pepper, to taste
20 slices of bread

In a bowl, combine the ham, celery, mayonnaise, mustard, maple butter and ginger. Salt and pepper.
Toast the bread slices. Remove the crusts and cut into small squares or using a cookie cutter of your choice.
Spread half the toasted bread slices with ham stuffing and close in sandwich with the other slices.

Homemade maple butter ,for 3 - 4 cups

3 cup pure maple syrup
Pinch of ground cinnamon
Pinch of salt
2.25 cup unsalted butter (cut into chunks)

In a medium saucepan, add maple syrup and pinch of salt and cinnamon. Heat maple syrup over high heat until boiling (*be sure to use a large-ish pan, as syrup will boil up about double or more). Attach or insert thermometer and boil until syrup reaches 240° Immediately remove from heat and stir in butter until it's completely melted.
Pour mixture into the bowl of a stand mixer or alternately, use a large bowl with a hand mixer. Start on low speed and gradually increase speed until you reach high. Continue to beat on high until mixture is lightened and creamy, about 8-10 minutes total. (Mixture will still be a bit runny at this point. Don't worry, it will firm up in the fridge.) Pour into a jar or bowl, cover and refrigerate.
If your maple butter has separated after cooling (leaving a layer of butter on tosimply stir the butter back in to incorporate.
Maple butter will keep refrigerated in an air-tight container about 2 weeks.
