Coconut christmas macaroons

 By simply adding coconut to meringue mixture you can make this christmas treat.They are little different from normal macaroons in the shape .
You can make them in about half an hour. We also mix eggs with sugar on a double boiler .

3 egg whites 
 180 g sugar 
 170 g coconut (grated )

Whip the   egg whites until become thin snow from  Place the heat-resistant dish on a saucepan in which water approaches boiling, but must not bubble.
 Directly over the steam, whip the sugar into the snow and continue to heat the mixture.
 When it's hot, we continue for another maximum of 5 minutes.
 We take it off the water bath and let it cool down, we only beat it occasionally.
 Preheat the oven to 140 ° C and line the baking sheet with baking paper.
 Carefully mix the coconut into the cooled snow.
 Mix it well.
 Using a spoon, shape small hills into sheets.  Bake for 15-20 minutes until the macaroons are slightly pink on the surface.
 Then let them cool on a baking sheet.  
