Christmas Gingerbread

In poland people make gingerbread spiced cake for the christmas .The cake is  make using both honey and sugar .If you can't find honey caramelize more sugar to get the colour of the cake.
The recipe also includes raisins to get the fruity flavour and glaze with melted chocolate .
You can also use homemade chocolate glaze to glaze this .

preparation time ; 60 minutes 
serves ; 4

1.5 cups flour

0.5 cup honey

2 eggs

0.5 cup sugar

0.5 cup milk

2 tablespoons of cocoa

2 teaspoons of gingerbread spice 

1 teaspoon of baking powder

1 teaspoon baking soda

0.5 cups of orange juice

4 tablespoons of clarified butter or oil

packet of raisins

Melted chocolate to glaze 


We heat the honey with sugar, and then mix all the ingredients except the raisins in a blender, adding raisins add the end.

Put the dough into a mold lined with baking paper and put in the oven  and bake for 40-50 minutes at 180 degrees.

Decorate the finished gingerbread cake with chocolate glaze. Gingerbread tastes best the next day.
