Christmas fruit pie

Flour 370 gram
Butter 150 gram
Sugar 50 gram
Egg 1 
Salt 1 pinch
Dried fruits 250 gram
Alcohol 150 gram
Nuts 125 gram
Cinnamon1 teaspoon
Spice1 teaspoon
cloves, nutmegs, cardamom
Honey 175 gram
Cane sugar 100g
Water 2 teaspoons
1 egg

1. Tangerines are thoroughly washed in warm water, and then I wipe them dry. With a fine grater I remove the zest.

2. Cut the butter into slices and transfer to a saucepan, add the chopped zest and send to the fire, mix and heat until the oil dissolves, then remove it from the fire.

3. Into the cooled oil I add  eggs, 50 grams of granulated sugar and salt, mix with a whisk.

4. After eggs, I immediately introduce 320 grams of sifted flour and mix, knead a thick dough, roll it with a ball.

5. Roll the dough thinly (about 2-3 millimeters), put it in a baking dish, send it to the refrigerator for 15 minutes (I also send the rest of the dough there).

6. Tangerines, from which the zest was previously removed, peel and divide into slices.

7. I cut all dried fruits into small pieces and transfer to a saucepan, add all the spices and alcohol, send to low heat and languish for about 

8. After 20 minutes, remove the mixture from the heat and cool, all the liquid during this time has evaporated.

9. I shift the dried fruits into a bowl, add chopped nuts, 50 grams of flour and tangerines, mix.

10. I put honey, cane sugar and water in a stewpan, cook after boiling until the sugar grains are dissolved, and then another 3-5 minutes, after which I remove the mixture from the fire.

11. Pour dried fruits, nuts and tangerines with a hot mixture, mix well.

12. I take out the form with the dough from the refrigerator, transfer the filling to the form and carefully distribute it.

13. I roll the remains of the dough thinly and cut out the figures with special forms.

14. I lay out the figures on top of the filling and brush everything with eggs send it to the oven, preheated to 180 degrees, for 30 minutes.

15. I take the finished cake out of the oven, decorate it with berries of cherry and mint.  Enjoy your meal!
