Christmas apple braid

This is a czech style christmas braid stuffed with apple and raisins stuffing . It is very good for the christmas breakfast as well as for the christmas tea party .

The most important part is braiding the bread
Do it patiently to make a beautiful christmas braid.

500 g plain flour
200 ml milk
120 g oil or other fat
1  of eggs
0.50 yeast cube
120 g sugar
500 g apples
120 g raisins
120 g sugar

Make the leavened dough from the ingredients. Let it rise and roll it into a rectangle. We form a filling into the center of the rectangle. On both sides, cut the dough with oblique slices, about 3-4 cm wide, from the filling to the edge of the dough (like a tree). We knit a braid from the strips above the filling. Let it rise a little, brush with an egg and bake. Sugar baked or poured sugar braid over the baked braid.

Filling: grate the apples and briefly  cook for about 5 min. Add sugar, cinnamon and raisins.
