Tomato christmas chutney

This tomato chutney is full of  festveness .It is perfect to gift as a Christmas gift in jars or to store in jars to enjoy during the whole christmas season . Stelize jars by boil in boing water before storing in jars .

Preparation time ; 90 - 110 minutes

900 of Tomatoes
700g chopped Onion
4 Garlic Crushed
1 aubergine
3 Red Peppers
1 green pepper
350g of Fine Sugar 
1 tablespoon of salt
1 tablespoon coriander seeds
1 tablespoon of paprika or chili powder
1 tablespoon red pepper flakes
300ml of White Wine Vinegar

1. Start by removing the skin from the tomatoes - cut them crosswise and let them boil for a few seconds in a pot of water.

2. Remove the tomatoes from the heat, drain them and pass them in cold water until the skin comes out.

3. Cut the tomatoes into pieces and put them on the fire in a large pot.

4. Then add the chopped onion, the crushed garlic, the aubergine and the red and green peppers cut into pieces.

5. Mix well and simmer for about 1 hour.

6. Add the  Sugar , salt, coriander seeds, paprika, pepper, white wine vinegar and boil again for 30 min.

7. Place the chutney in a sterilized jar and close tightly.
