Steamed christmas pudding

An easy an cheap  xmas pudding .It is more diverse in ingredients such as candied fruits .I make candied orange peel , ginger and pears at home instead of buying from shop .

Use rum if you want to store it for a long time .Everyone can knead it , because that brings luck. Many Britons also put so-called " Christmas Charms " in the dough, for example a ring. Anyone who finds this while eating will get married next year.

200 g prunes,substitute with raisins 
150 g orange peel
50 g candied ginger
50 g candied pears or quinces
100 g almond 
150 ml rum or orange juice
75 g of flour
100 g butter
4 eggs
120 g breadcrumbs
150 g of sugar
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 pinch of allspice
Marrow of a vanilla bean
2 tbsp amaretto liqueur or 2 tsp of almond extract
1.5 tsp baking powder
if desired some rum for brushing


Cut the prunes and the candied fruit into very fine pieces. Pour the rum over a bowl and let stand for half an hour.

Mix the crumbs with the flour, sugar and almond slivers as well as cinnamon, vanilla and allspice. Add the soaked fruit and stir, cover everything with foil and let it steep overnight.

Melt the butter in the pan and let it cool, it should remain liquid. Add the eggs, liqueur, milk and baking powder, stir. Then knead this mixture thoroughly with the fruit mixture.

Interesting: Now would be the time to ask the family: Everyone can knead, because that brings luck. Many Britons also put so-called " Christmas Charms " in the dough, for example a ring. Anyone who finds this while eating will get married next year.

Press the pudding into a greased, dome-shaped pudding mold, close it tightly with a lid - if necessary, aluminum foil. If you do not have such a shape, you can also use a traditional pudding cloth - a linen cloth to prepare the pudding like a napkin dumpling. To do this, briefly pour boiling water over the cloth, carefully wring it out and rub in a large area with flour. The flour later prevents the pudding mass from escaping through the fabric.

Fill a roasting pan with water, place the pudding mold in it so that the water is three finger widths below the edge of the mold. Simmer the whole thing for 5 to 6 hours, always add enough water. The pudding is cooked when there are no pieces of dough left on a wooden stick when it is inserted.

When preparing in a cloth, tie the same firmly with kitchen thread, place in a steaming attachment or a sieve and steam the pudding for several hours with the lid closed over boiling water. Pour water regularly. The duration depends on the shape of the pudding. Test pudding with a wooden stick .

Then let the pudding cool and brush with rum if desired. Wrap in fresh, clean aluminum foil and let it sit in the fridge until Christmas. Change the paper every two days to keep mold away.

Bring it to the table for Christmas, or flambe if desired.
