Christmas Turkey

The Christmas turkey is one of those special dishes, that although they take a slow preparation, we must know how to do it. Christmas is a family time and there is nothing better than sharing over dinner, so follow the step by step of this Christmas recipe and learn how to prepare a delicious stuffed turkey.

The Christmas turkey is one of the most representative dishes of these holidays, you can accompany it with the typical Christmas salad and  rice / pasta or bread .

If you liked the Christmas Turkey recipe , we suggest you enter our christmas poultry recipes category .

Serves ; 8 
Cooking time ; 4 hour and 30 minutes


 1 unit of Turkey (6-7 kilos)
 ½ kilogram of Ground beef of pork
 6 slices of Bacon
 ½ cup of Ham chopped or chopped
 1 of onion
 3 garlic cloves
 2 stems  of  celery
 ½ cup of peeled and chopped almonds
 4 of Apple
 ½ cup raisins
 ½ cup of white wine , can be substitute with chicken broth 
 ½ cup of sweet sherry or orange juice
 Oil for frying
 1 pinch of Salt and Pepper


The first thing you should do is wash the turkey very well . Clean the entire interior well, then leave it very dry and spread all the bird with salt and pepper to taste. Tie the legs and wings in the normal way.

Place the turkey in a large enough pot and boil it in water with a little salt for a few minutes. Then drain and reserve.

To make the  filling , first cut all the vegetables and bacon finely.

When you have prepare everything, saute garlic and onion . After a few minutes add the chopped bacon and when it browns add the meat and continue cooking. A few minutes before the meat is done, add the ham, almonds, raisins, apple and celery. Then add the meat and let it cook until everything is cooked.

In addition, with a kitchen injector, prick the turkey and introduce the white wine into its meat. Then untie the legs and wings and fill the inside of the bird with the previous meat preparation.

When the turkey is well stuffed, tie the legs and wings again. Place it on a cookie sheet and then wrap everything in aluminum foil.

To cook the turkey, take it to a preheated oven at 180-200ÂșC for approximately five hours . The calculation is one hour per kilo. Check the turkey every hour and bathe it in its own juice. If once it is getting dry you can add a little water or more white wine.

To finish, when the turkey is well cooked, remove the aluminum foil and leave it a couple more minutes to brown well. 
