Christmas parfait

This layered delight is a perfect treat for any holiday gathering or a cozy winter night in. This Christmas parfait is a symphony of festive flavors, with layers of 
Cream mix and sweet bread with fruits.Each piece is a celebration of the season, with the perfect balance of sweet, creamy , and spicy notes.

serves  ; 5


350 ml condended milk
2 teaspoons vanilla essence
1 tablespoon rum
100 grams of candied fruit 
500 ml Cream
300 grams sweet  fruit bread ( eg -: panettone)


Mix  Condensed Milk with vanilla essence and rum.

Add the whipped cream to the whipped cream bit by bit and with enveloping movements.

Finally incorporate the sweet bread cut into pieces and the chopped candied fruits.

Place in a pudding mold covered with aluminum foil or film and take in the freezer until it is well frozen.

 At the time of serving, unmold and remove the paper.
