Christmas gravy

Christmas gravy  is necessary for christmas if having a roast .This is make with roasting turkey or chicken on oven with some vegetables .It is easy to make and use giblets and heart of meat to make this .Reserve them before roasting .

Use leftover gravy for boxing day .

preparation time ; about 2 hours 

2 onions cut into 4 parts
2 carrots cut into pieces
2 celery stalks cut into pieces
turkey neck, gizzard and heart or use chicken
2 bay leaves
3 cloves

After the first half hour the turkey  or chicken is in the oven, place the onions, carrots, celery stalks and the  meat parts on the baking sheet. Roast for 1 hour. 

Remove the roasted vegetables and giblets from the roasting pan and transfer to a pan with 2.5 liters of water. 

Add the bay leaves and the cloves. Place over high heat and, when boiling, reduce to low. Cook for 1 hour.

Strain over a bowl, discard the vegetables and reserve the broth
