Christmas chutney

Christmas is a time that we make and use preserves like chutneys .These chutneys are more spicy and fragrant as well as fruity .

This chutney is made of dried fruits and perfect to enjoy during holidays .It is also good to pack in jars and gift to your friends .Sterilize your jars before storing to keep it for a longtime . The chutney can be added to curries , use to make appetizers or spread over bread slices or crackers .

Preparation time ; 70 - 80 minutes

25 grams of  whole mixed spices
275 grams of apple cider vinegar
1 teaspoon grated fresh ginger
20 g of salt
225 g of brown sugar
1 teaspoon of ground chili or chilli powder 
1/2 teaspoon of nutmeg 
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
125 g apple, peeled and diced
75 g dried apricots, chopped or use dates
125 g of sultanas
125 grams of dried cranberries or more raisins
225 grams of onion, peeled and diced


We place the mixed spices in a clothe and close it with twine thread ensuring that there are no openings through which they can escape.

We put the vinegar, salt and ginger in a large saucepan. Add the garni with spices and bring the mixture to a boil.

Next we add the fruits, the onion and the sugar. We remove and cook over very low heat and uncovered for about an hour or until the chutney begins to thicken.

We will know if it is ready when, when passing a spoon through the mixture, this forms a line that does not disappear immediately .
